NEET Counselling 2025: Get Seat Allotment & Admission Process

NEET 2025 Counselling will be started from July 2025. Counselling will be conducted for successfully qualified candidates only. The counselling for NEET 2025 will be organized by the MCC (Medical Council Committee).

When to register for NEET 2025 Counselling?..Know complete dates & procedure here.

NEET is the national level examination for admission to MBBS & BDS courses offered by various government and private medical colleges of India.

The examination will be organized by the NTA (National Testing Agency). In this article, candidates can check the complete details about NEET counselling 2025 including procedure, schedule and counselling for 15% all India quota & 85% state quota seats

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NEET 2025 Counselling

The counselling will be started after few weeks from the declaration of result. Authority conduct NEET 2025 counselling through online mode only. Candidates will get shortlisted for the counselling on the basis of  NEET 2025 cut off

The counselling procedure for 15% All India Quota seats, Deemed Universities/ Central Universities/ Seats of ESIC & AFMC including BHU & AMU is managed by the Medical Council Committee.

All medical institutions consider NEET score for providing admission in MBBS/ BDS courses. There will be no separate state or university level exam conducted for admission in such courses.

The counselling for 15% All India Quota and 85% State Quota seats will be organized separately by every state counselling authority. The MCC will conduct the centralised counselling for all category candidates.

For management seats in private medical colleges, candidates will need to apply separately in each college.

The MBBS /BDS seats will be filled through NEET UG all over the country. The seats will be filled in the following categories:

  • All India Quota Seats.
  • State Government Quota Seats.
  • Central Institutions /Universities/Deemed Universities.
  • State/ Management/ NRI Quota Seats in Private Medical/ Dental Colleges or any Private University.
  • Central Pool Quota Seats.

NEET Counselling for 15% AIQ:

For 15% all India quota seats, the counselling will be managed by the Directorate General of Health Services (DGHS), Government of India. The candidates those have scored above 15% All India cut-off will be able to participate in All India counselling.

In 15% AIQ counselling will be conducted for admission in all state medical and dental participated colleges. Through this counselling, candidates will get admission in medical colleges located anywhere in India.

The seats will be allotted as per the all India rank of the candidate and filled choices. Candidates, those participate in this counselling will also take part in state quota counselling of their respective states

State MBBS/ BDS Counselling 2025:

State counselling will be conducted by the every state counselling authority individually for admission in 85% State quota seats. Each State authority will release their own state merit list on the basis of NEET Score and on the basis of State merit list authority called the candidates for counselling procedure.

The counselling for Private Medical Colleges will also be conducted by the concerned State Counselling Authority. The 85% state quota counselling will be conducted for admission in the state medical & dental colleges.

The details and schedule of counselling will be made available on the websites of Ministry of Health and Family Welfare, Medical Education Directorates of States.

Candidates are advised to be in touch with the respective counselling authorities and institutions concerned for state counselling details.

NEET 2025 Counselling Schedule

Here, we have mentioned the tentative schedule of NEET counselling:

Events (Centralize Counselling & All India Quota/ Deemed/ Central Universities & ESIC)Dates 2025
1st Round Counselling
Registration/paymentJuly 2025
Choice filling and locking
Seat processing
Result declaration of round 1
Reporting for round 1

Verification of Joined candidates Data by institutes Sharing of data by MCC

2nd Round Counselling

Verification of Tentative Seat Matrix by the participating Institutes

New Registration/payment
Exercising of choices and locking
Processing of Seat Allotment
Result of round 2
Reporting to the allotted college

Verification of Joined candidates Data by institutes Sharing of data by MCC

Third Round
Verification of Tentative Seat Matrix by the participating Institutes
Online Registration & Fee Payment
Choice Filling/Locking for Mop Up
Processing of Seat Allotment

Verification of Joined candidates Data by institutes

Stray Vacancy Round

Verification of Tentative Seat Matrix by the participating Institutes


Choice Filling/ Locking

Processing of Seat Allotment



NEET 2025 Counselling Procedure

Below we have mentioned the complete procedure to take part in the NEET 2025 counselling:


  • First of all candidates have to do the registration by login to the website (Link will be given above).
  • Without doing registration, candidates will not be able to fill the college and course choice.
  • On completing the registration process, a unique User ID & Password is generated and sent to the candidate’s registered email ID and mobile number.
  • With the help of generated user ID and password, candidate will be able to proceed for further process.

Submission of Choice & Locking:

  • In this step candidates have to fill the choices of course and colleges according their preferences.
  • After this, candidates will have to click on ‘Save’ button to lock their filled choices.
  • Without saving the filled choices, the choices will not be considered as locked choices.
  • So, candidates are advised not to forget to lock the preferences.

Seat Allotment Result:

  • Within a few days of the choice locking, the seat allotment result will be declared by the authority.
  • Candidates can view the allotment result.
  • Candidates receive a SMS or email regarding allotment of course & college.
  • The seats will be allotted as per the candidate’s filled choices.

Modify and Lock:

  • The candidates those not satisfy with the allotted seats can modify the choices.
  • Candidates have to login on the official website with their login credentials and modify the choices.
  • After modification, candidates have to lock the choices again.

Reporting to Allotted College:

  • When the seats will be allotted to the candidates, they have to report the allotted college to confirm the seat.
  • Candidates will have to pay the initial fee to confirm the seat and should complete the admission formalities.
  • In case the candidate will reach the allotted colleges after the given time period, then the seat will be transferred automatically to the next candidate.

Second Round of Counselling:

  • If any candidate is not satisfied with the allotted seats, they can proceed for the next round of counselling.
  • Candidates those will be allotted seats in the second round of 15% All India Quota counseling are not allowed to vacant the seat.

NEET Admission 2025

After completion of NEET centralized online counselling, candidates will have to report the allotted college in the stipulated time.

Candidates will need to report the concerned colleges with the downloaded allotment letter. Candidates will need to carry the required documents in original with one set of photocopy.

At the time of admission candidates also have to submit the admission fee to confirm the seat. If any candidate will find ineligible in later stage, his admission will be cancelled and his seat will be transferred to the next candidate.

Documents Required for Counselling:

Candidates have to bring their original documents along with attested photocopies of documents.

  • Mark Sheets
  • 10th & 12th Passing Certificate
  • NEET 2025 Admit Card
  • NEET 2025 Rank Card/ Rank Letter
  • Category Certificate (If Applicable)
  • Birth Certificate
  • 8 Passport size photograph (Six)
  • Identity Proof
  • Provisional Allotment Letter

FAQs (Most Asked Questions)

Answer: Candidates who qualified for All India Quota seats (MBBS/BDS) only eligible for online allotment process for All India Quota Seats, which is conducted by the Medical Counseling Committee (MCC), Ministry of Health & Family Welfare, & Government of India. For state quota/AFMC Seats/Private medical & dental college seats, candidates are required to contact the appropriate State Government/Admission Authority & Directorate of Medical Education.

Answer: The process steps is given here. For detailed information check above “NEET Counselling Procedure”.

  • Main Counseling Registration.
  • Exercising of Choices, indicative seats and Locking of choices.
  • Process of Seat Allotment – Round 1.
  • Round 1 Result Publication.
  • Reporting at the allotted Medical/Dental College against 1st Round.
  • Publication of net vacant seats.
  • Fresh Choice Submission by eligible candidates for Round 2.
  • Process of Seat Allotment – Round 2.
  • Round 2 Result Publication.
  • Reporting at the Medical / Dental Colleges /Institutions against Round 2.
  • Mop Up Counselling.
Answer: There will be no need to report any counselling center. Online registration & choice filling can be done from place of convenience (including from home) using Internet.
Answer: During counselling registration, you have to fill up some of the information that you given on the NEET application form.
Answer: You have to report in the allotted college within a given time period which is mentioned in the counselling schedule. You have a advised to join the allotted college as early as possible.
Answer: It is an online counselling procedure. So, there will be no need of any documents for participating in online allotment process.
Answer: Yes. You can fill as many choices as you wish. However, choices should be in order of candidates’ preference.
Answer: Yes. You have to fill choices of college/courses in order of your preferences. Once you filled the choice, it is necessary to lock the choice & get a print copy of the submitted choices. In case, candidates not lock the filled choices submitted by him/her, it will be automatically locked at 5.00 PM (last date of choice locking).

Answer: Candidates are eligible for 2nd Round seat allotment from one of the given groups:

  • Group 1: Registered candidates who cannot get any seat in the 1st Round of Counselling.
  • Group 2: Registered candidates, those 1st round seat cancelled at the time of document verification on reporting for admission, who have secured seat under reservation quota, due to change of category from reserved to unreserved or PH status from YES to NO or from PH 1 to PH 2 will be considered for seat allotment in next round.
  • Group 3: Candidates, those reported in the allotted college at the time of 1st round of counselling & submitted willingness for 2nd round up-gradation as Yes.
Answer: No. Fresh choices will be necessary in the 2nd Round of Counselling for seat allotment. If candidates does not submit fresh choices during choice filling period, they will not be considered for seat allotment during Round 2 & will retain the already allotted seat, if any.
Answer: If candidates will get seat in the 2nd Round of counselling, the seat allotted during first round of counselling will be cancelled automatically. The seat will be allotted to some other candidate. Candidates have to join the allotted seat/college during round 2 after getting online generated relieving letter from the college allotted in Round 1.
If candidates not join the allotted college within a given time frame, as per the schedule, candidate will forfeit his/her allotted seat & will not be considered for subsequent rounds of seat allotment. Seat can also be upgraded in the same course (same college) by change of category (i.e. ST/SC/OBC to UR).
Answer: Yes, you can edit, add or delete your filled choices during the period before locking. But once you lock the choices, then you are not able to modify.

If you have any other queries about NEET 2025 Counselling, you can write your queries in the comment box given below.


  1. I have registered and paid required fees for the first round counselling. But I did’nt get any allotment. I could not register for 2nd round counselling. Can I register for third round

    1. Allotment details will be known to you by the officials at the time of counselling. Also, keep checking website to know allotment details.

  2. When is the last date for registration for neet ug counselling. She has qualified in neet exam which held in 2022. Is it OK to apply now. How many years neet qualification certificate valid.

    1. Counselling schedule is yet to be released. It is expected to be started soon. NEET score card will be valid for 1 year.

  3. What if I get one college out my four choices say 4 th one then can I again apply for my other choices out of 1,2,3 in 2nd round ….would my seat be secured in round one.

  4. can i participate in the 2nd round of rajasthan state NEET Counseling 2020, if i don’t fill the application form in 1st round?

  5. Iam obc category is fill in false my obc category rank 274940, all india category rank 644513,my neet score 171/2021.please reply.

  6. I am tamil nadu stateigot marksin neet 171my all india rankis644513my obc categoryrank is974940and blong to obc category,where i can i expect a seat in all over any other state in.please help me reply.thank you!

  7. My neet ug 2021 score is 151
    All india rank is 713799
    Category rank is 304759
    I’m from uttar pradesh OBC category

    Can i get any medical college


  9. Mam my father’s name is written as Mohd. Shahid in my 10th and 12 th cbse marksheet.. But in my all other documents it us written as Mohammad Shahid… So now do I have to get the name changed in all my documents Or it will be approved during the councelling.. Plz reply

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