
writerWriting is an art field. It is the way of expressing one’s thoughts, feeling and imagination to the others in the textual form. Writing can be a hobby, it can be a profession or it can be the amalgamation of both.

Who are writers and what attributes they are having??

The writer is not just one who only writes.

Writers uses their own techniques to produce various forms of creative writing & literacy art such as articles, poems, story, screenplays, plays, short stories, novels, magazines, etc.

“A writer is someone who uses their words with a variety of style, techniques & meanings to communicate their ideas.”

Frankly speaking writer could be anyone, in fact everyone who knows how to write and express his thoughts and knowledge is a writer but the real question is are we all professional writer? Of course not! Now who is termed as a professional writer? Here is the answer:

Professional writer are those writers who have specialization in a particular field for eg. Politics, sports, science, technology, business, social matters, poetry, fiction, screen play etc. These professional writers have got vast knowledge and experience in their respective field, for them writing is both the hobby and a profession.

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The term writer is often used as synonyms to “author”. The author is a writer who writes something for books, stories, articles, novels, etc. A writer may use images such as drawing & painting, graphics or multimedia to show their writing skills.

What is Creative Writing?

Creative writing is that form of writing which comes out of one’s deep imagination, skills, knowledge and goes beyond the bounds of technical forms of literature. Any writing whether it is fiction or non-fiction, all comes under creative writing.

The purpose of creative writing is to both share human experiences & to entertain.

Types of Writing

There are different types of creative writing which are used by the writers to express their feelings or words. A writer uses many kind of words, phrases and many other techniques for writing. Below are the given types of creative writing:

  • Poetry
  • Speeches
  • Plays
  • Movie and television scripts
  • Songs
  • Fiction (novels, novellas, and short stories)
  • Memoirs
  • Personal essays

Courses & Duration

If you are someone who is passionate about writing, if you have wide imagination and thoughts and you want to express them in the power of words, so as to communicate with others, than this field can provide you with lots of opportunity.

If you are born creative writer, or if you are someone who is interested in writing and wants to sharpen your skills then we suggest you to purse some short-term courses in writing. The duration of these courses may range from two weeks to a year. There are generally, two types of courses:

  • Certificate course in creative Writing
  • Diploma course in creative Writing

The duration of the certificate courses can be 2 weeks to 3 months, while the diploma course can last from 1 to 2 year. These courses comprise of various aspects related to creative writing. These include:

  • Introduction to writing or writing basics
  • History and creative inspiration
  • Writing skills enhancement for eg. drawing reader attention
  • Improving grammatical skills
  • Written assignment
  • Presentation of work
  • Approaching to the publishers


The student who wish to make his future in this field, must have a good command in English, he should have qualified class 12th (any stream). Some colleges have also open admission policy for this course. The person who is already doing job somewhere and want to join the writing profession can go for online writing course. There are number of schools/ colleges who offer online writing course. There are distance learning programmes in writing for the job doing persons.

Qualification to Become Writer

There are no set requirements to become a writer. You will need to have a good research skills, able to come up with the ideas that will sell & able to express ideas in style.

The basic requirement to become a writer is a bachelor’s degree in key skills which includes writing skills, originality, ability to work independently and self-promotion ability. Those who hold the bachelor degree in English, journalism and communication can also pursue their career in writing. The person belongs to liberal arts can also apply to become a writer.

Career and Jobs

If you have got skills and creativity than this field will provide you with lots of opportunities. The scope and opportunities for professional writers are huge both in print and e-media. The best part is a person can even work as a freelancer. The professional writers are generally hired by media companies, big MNC’s, online article publishing portals.

There are various numbers of things you can do to develop your writing skills such as blogging, joining a local writer’s group & entering writing competitions. You can write for websites, social media or blogs. You can also work in TV or radio industry as a scriptwriter.

You can also able to become a technical writer for industries such as pharmaceuticals or engineering. You can join the leading newspapers, magazines & also work in journalism area which helps you to get into broadcast writing. You can work as a creating guide book, features, travel writer, hotel reviews or travel novels.

Basic Element Needs for Writing

With the writing skills it is also important to have some more skills to become a skilled writer such as:

  • Language Skill: The four language skills that you should have are listening-speaking-reading-writing. These four skills are necessary to know for the communication.
  • Imagination: It is very important parameter that should be in any person to become a writer. Without imagination you can’t write anything such as story, article, poem, music, lyrics, etc.
  • Vocabulary: Increasing your vocabulary is very must for the writing. If you should know the numbers of words, then you can make a complete story.
  • Research: Research is the primary work which should be done at the very first stage of starting writing. One should do a research on a particular topic in which one wants to write.
  • Communication: To communicate with your words, you should know the correct way of communication.
  • Way of Express: The way of expressing something should be in proper sequence of words and also in an effective way.

Skill Required

  • Motivation & Self-Discipline
  • Excellent Research Skills
  • Perseverance and Determination
  • Ability to meet deadlines
  • Drawing Skills
  • IT skills
  • Ability to market & promote your work Bottom of Form


The salary in this field totally depends upon your caliber and experience. The salary in this field also varies from company to company in which an individual is working, often many professional writers’ works with more than one organization and at the same time work as a freelancer.

As a fresher in this field you can start from Rs. 8000 to Rs.15,000 after 2 or 3 years experience you can easily earn anywhere between Rs. 25,000 to Rs. 40,000. Some of the expert writers can even make 6 figure incomes.

Awards for Writers

There are various awards given to the writers to appreciate their work experience or what they shared through their writing skills. There is a literary award, which is given by the individual countries. International awards such as Nobel Prize in Literature are also offered for the excellent writers.

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